Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Buddy is much better and so am I. I had a revisit of my lower back pain and changing positions was darn painful. It didn't prevent a good workout at Cardio yesterday. I avoided taking the dog's medicine and am much improved today. Honey is doing well. Juneau comes for visits and my dogs go for visits at Jason and Lori's. Cooked dinner for all and sundry last evening- another first and the launching of the barbeque grill. Doggies got a cheaper cut of Target's fine beef.

That darn Jason won't sit still. He came with chore and enhancement stuff. He planted a bougainvillea that I rescued from the dump but he also planted grass plugs, finished potting my dwarf date palms and installed some solar yard lights. He was also coaching me on  cooking steaks on the grill-at my request. He is a master, Lori is redoing the room I stayed in at their house. I am having fun being in on the decisions. Lori is fun to hang with. Jason took her to Lauderdale this morning-she had to report for jury duty.

I don't have anything on the agenda today and I am fine with that-rest the back.