Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bottoms Up!

Met Lew and Greg at Green Cay and we did one of the loops, taking pictures and visiting. Then I took them to lunch as planned. Greg had called when I was on the road in Nebraska. The hospital started down the call list in the cell phone and got Greg who told them the names of my kids. It was more complex than that but he got them set on the right trail. Lew is having prostate issues and is going to Tampa for robotic surgery in early May. As my friend Delores says "I hate this getting old business we are all tarnishing!"
That is an alligator covered by duckweed. He was just waiting for unsuspecting creatures. Green Cay is a man-made "natural area." A farmer left the land he had grown peppers on for years to the county to be returned into a natural area. It is used to percolate and purify water from the Palm Beach sewage plant in its final stage before recycling.
There is a wide assortment of wildlife to be seen and photographed. It is also a very peaceful place to be- less busy than Wacodahatchie which is closer but not so big. Enjoyed the day before it turned very windy and rainy.