Sunday, April 10, 2011


This is the bougainvillea I rescued from the trash over by the kid's house. A little TLC and Miracle-Gro and it is showing its gratitude in profusion. Below the Frangipani are blooming. I have an aromatic one-not all of them have perfume.

They are kind of fragile and appear to be short-lived. But they are pretty, waxy, blooms kind of like Gardenias. Fun
By my front doorstep the Jasmine bush is almost overwhelming in dispensing it's aroma. Fortunately I like it. This means that summer is here-way early. It has been pretty toasty. Of course the Air Conditioner blower gave out. That operation has been replaced/upgraded with a more energy efficient model. It works well. My visit to the Opthamologist revealed nothing alarming which is kind of alarming. My doctor is going to consult with a peer who specializes in neurology but my tests showed all good results-optic nerve, macular area, retina, etc., So I guess there is a point to carrying my organ donor card after all. The eyes are worth passing on even with very mild cataracts. I can provide a longer list of "don't bother" organs. Dr. Mitchell was very kind, very thorough, and communicative as were his assistants. Kevin took my old glasses which are still on track for acuity and did a refurb in front of my eyes: new ear piece covers, new nose pieces, tightened and adjusted, I still see "purple fringeing" and strong light seems to have a wave length. Best guess is my med Amiordione is the culprit. It is an annoyance but now it is off my worry list. The doggies are doing all right-they seem to have assimilated and are pretty happy. They love to go on walks. We go early to beat the heat.