Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kissed by the Guru

Lori's friends, the Benrrubi's, sent out invitations to attend a Satsang with guruji Sri Vast. We decided we would either see a "Medicine Show" or learn something so we went. We learned something though I had to struggle to hear-felt like I was on technical assistance for the soul at times. Among the high points for me were his illustrations of how we fit into the continuum of ecology and how astonishingly we do not experience the "natural world." We don't touch flowers, feel the ground under our (bare) feet, etc., very often. We are perhaps the only creatures on the planet that deprive ourselves of feeling the planet. That we are estranged and exploitive is no coincidence. He amused when he asked us to feel our noses with our hands-the noses became real-we are not aware of our noses most of the time. Touching makes things real to us. On the way out I decided to shake his hand to make him "real." He hugged and kissed me-a big smooch on the cheek, and likewise Lori. It did all become real and I have spent quite a little time thinking of his talk last night. He is a big deal in other parts of the world and is as "graceful" as advertised.

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