Friday, April 29, 2011

Weather Report

Thayne sent me a phone picture of snow on the ground in Arapahoe this morning. I'm taking full credit for this storm in Florida. I was up early hand watering and putting Miracle -Gro on the greenery. Then the day took off: went to cardio-rehab early so I could go to Lake Worth and pay David at the storage yard and see if the RV would start. I was galloping the 20 miles home so the cleaning ladies wouldn't be sweltering in the driveway because my vicious dogs wouldn't let them in. Made it just barely-they had just pulled up. I loaded up the dogs to take them for a ride. It started to rain while we were in Lighthouse Point. We got 2 inches in about an hour. The neighborhood kids had a blast-the rain is warm. The officials soon got the storm drains opened. We really needed the moisture.

We walked the dogs in the cooler aftermath of the storm and noted the high water marks throughout the neighborhood. Smaller storms tonight. I heard the lightning sirens for the first time this afternoon. They seemed redundant to me. Supposedly they sense the buildup of electricity in the atmosphere before the lightning strikes. Thunder works for me.
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