Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Catching U Up

From my front window you can see the Bougainvillea have made a spectacular recovery. My own is less spectacular but encouraging. They did an echocardiogram down my throat prior to the Cardioversion. Dr. Cohn shared the results: Every valve in my heart leaks (bad news) a little (good news). My aorta is so enlarged it does not bode well for the Cardioversion "sticking." Still, my ejection fraction was measured at 20% which is an improvement over 15%. He thinks a road trip to Wyoming this summer is reasonable. My longevity is reasonable as long as my regimen is followed. A trip to the Opthamologist this week-my outlook is getting even more peculiar.

 I've had a couple of days just being a householder. This has been nice-my "stuff" is finding homes in places that are not the van, nor the garage. The bad part of this is illness is precipitating the "down time." Jason has been bowled over by "THE BUG." Lori and I have easier cases though we did not escape. I am thinking the Flu shot did reduce the severity of mine-and I am sure Lori takes one too. Jason has felt miserable-I was worried. Too much company for too long this year contributed to it, I think. They get worn out. Not that it wasn't all fun because it was. I am getting squared away for company. Perhaps I can relieve some pressure on them.

The accommodations here are very nice but admittedly not as spectacular as "over there." Finally- Greg and Lew and I met here for a visit. They are staying until May 15th. I am glad as most of my other cohorts have called it a season and headed for home. I am going to meet Lew and Greg at Green Cay for a field trip today. Good wildlife photo opportunities. Greg has been taking some great photos this year. He stepped up to a Canon 30x camera. I am outgunned.