Friday, October 7, 2011

Sunset Cruise with Marge and Carl

Eye Candy-bless cameras with long lenses!

Carl, Marge and Lori with Lighthouse point in the background. Margaret is Lori's aunt on her father's side. Lori favors her which is good news for her. Marge is a nice looking lady at 67. She taught Elementary school for 25 years. Carl had a State Farm Insurance Agency that his son now runs. They have a beautiful home and run a few cattle in southeast Oklahoma. They had a nice visit and I think they will be back next October. Which is good, because they are fun.

My Internet connection is back and running. There was a power bump and something went awry. It was just on the laptop because the iPods were working fine so I could play my opponents with Word.

I have been working on my "garden house" or "Fortress of Solitude." There was about 8 feet between my toolshed and the 8 foot wall at the back of the property. It's attraction is that it stays pretty cool until noon whereas my back patio catches the sun as soon at it comes up. It has a canopy, and I have planted some vines and plants so the effect, someday, will be that of sitting right in a garden. It is lit by solar lights at night and is (of course) wired for music.

The kids come by either to work on the project house or to walk dogs. I enjoy the company. They made a very nice dinner last week and I made a very plain dinner for them last night. At least they didn't have to cook after being so busy. The project house is coming along swimmingly. The kitchen is very nearly done, the bathrooms are coming right along.

Doggies and master (ha, ha) are doing well. The heat is lessening and we are all out of doors more. Rode my bike to the Salvation Army yesterday to buy old curtains to shade my tender young plants. Reading lots and lots.
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