Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Party

The link is here:

I had originally planned to dangle a potato out of my shorts and go as a "dictator." I went so far as to rent a Qaddafi-style hat for $35.00 then Qaddafi had the bad taste to get himself killed so the whole prospect seemed over the top. So I went to the closet and ironing board and purchased a $19.00 Hippie costume. My  25 year-old Afro wig somehow had made it to Florida! I was under-dressed as you can see from the other's costumes. Some of the costumes must have rented for hundreds. Nonetheless I enjoyed seeing people and noshing with them-taking pictures, as is my wont.

I left as the poker games -Texas Hold 'Em, were beginning. Dennis and Jason split an $1100.00 pot, kicked in to the "house" for the food and were well-satisfied with the evening. Lori had a good time. They brought breakfast sandwiches this morning and we held a post-mortem on the party and  decided it was a winner. Dress up a little and people "get beyond themselves," and are generally fun.

It has been monsoonal here. Hurricane Rina broke up but sent massive rain and stiff winds to South Florida. The streets are often flooded. Walking the dogs requires long term planning to avoid getting soaked-either feet or from rain.  Toweling them off leaves them fluffy and sweet smelling although Honey always smells good-Buddy not so much. The water is a blessing in the right places. I have found from my plantings, that it is impossible to fill a hole with water down here. It hits the sandy layer and flows swiftly away.

I had breakfast with the Stephensons across the street per their invitation. They are kind and cheerful people. They don't celebrate Halloween but were able to advise me on how much candy to get for the neighborhood.  They "bug out" Rick says.  The transmission on their Honda Odyssey is kaput. I worry about them-they seem to live modestly and got way underwater on their home in Boynton. They are renting here.

Speaking of transmissions, Marc and Jeane are in some obscure KOA  campground in Georgia. The transmission they had repaired here last year went out again. Their warranty was dependent on the vehicle being presented back at the Lake Worth shop. So they shipped their transmission to him. They have a large RV but they also have a SuperDuty Ford 350 so they should have plenty of truck. Dunno, but will get here eventually.  Nicole and Andre were in Istanbul when the earthquakes rumbled through Turkey's hinterlands. We have heard nothing from them but they are resourceful. 

I have two "local" football teams-the Denver Broncos and the Miami Dolphins. They both stink. I am looking for an adoptable team.  The World Series finale games were great fun though I do not follow baseball very much.

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Reveal!

Jason took pictures of his project house and listed it today.  The link is here:

He should be very proud. It went from being the unoccupied  local haunted house to a happy yellow bungalow with all new trappings. The back wall was literally falling off. He did it very economically using his network and doing a lot of the work himself.. The neighbors are delighted because it enhances property values in the neighborhood. I think he is lowballing the asking price but he knows about these things-I won't second guess the master. He is very modest about it.  I find it amazing. I am proud enough for both of us.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Meet the Neighbors

First, the kind gentleman at WalMart who said my creamer would be in Saturday is a Big Fat Liar. I am suffering withdrawal and am on a search for something else that I might enjoy.  My trip was not a total bust-I got an assortment of nuts and bolts that I could have used in the past and will use going forward. 

As I walk the neighborhood with the dogs- and Jason or Lori often accompany me, we are meeting the neighbors. To my right are Michael and Vanessa. He trains dogs, ostensibly, and is gone from early to late. Vanessa recently moved in in time to have their baby. Young folks- kind of slackerish, if you catch my drift. To the further left is the sniper for the Broward Sheriff's office. Wife and three kids who all look like mom. First time I saw him-no uniform, I thought-gay,gay, gay! Jason had the same reaction. Hmmm. 

Across the street are Rick and Trish and two kids and spectacular toys. I think Trish is rolling in it-they came home with a big fancy Jeep last week. Trish said she had paid off her Cadillac so they have cash to add to their collection- GMC Suburban to haul the boat and the airboat. They do use them constantly so I am glad for them. They are living life to the fullest by their lights. Certainly having fun.

Also across the street are Sharon and Rick, Josh, Caleb and Ben-homeschoolers with religious convictions of the higher type-they seem to live it. The kids are polite and bright. Rick works outside the house and does all the cooking too. Sharon told me last week, that she told Rick she needed "a date night." They didn't go anywhere so I guess that might be code.  He cleans the bottom of boats-dives. She is getting into the bodywrap business. Jason thinks she is flirty but I am obtuse about that as well as past caring. 

Next to them is Jordan-a young firefighter who has a female roommate and a girlfriend and is enjoying his new home by hosting parties that last long into the night. Glad to have youth and dissipation to balance the Fundamentalists.

Across the street from Jordan is Tom and Lisa and three kids. Tom is a painter and looks as if his head was smashed badly and put back together not quite right. He is very nice. His wife Lori is a homeschooler, Fundamentalist, mom of three who apparently is bipolar. I have met the nice Lori-not the one that stands in the middle of the street and screams. These people like to put cards on windshields exhorting people to find Jesus when the neighbors have parties.  LOTS of pizza boxes in their recycle bin.

Next to them is a "laidback couple" (Tommy T's assessment) I have never seen. I have met their British -born, surfer, dissipated houseboy/lawn guy. They own the old trailer park that Honey likes to escape to and frolic.

Next to them is a guy who goes to work in a white shirt and tie and comes home and puts on his Harley- Davidson duds and ride around. They own the bouncing poodles who go crazy when we walk by.  Pleasant people.

Across the street from them lives Michael and ? I hollered across the street about how cool their Halloween decorations are. He came across the street to meet us.  I was thinking very masculine woman. Then he told us his name was Michael. Jason noticed the "French fingernails," (I don't know French fingernails from French fries!)  Transvestite at the very least. Very nice and friendly. 

I could go on about the guy who puts his Confederate  flag out, the clown who has chartreuse hair, the fellow dog-walker who says she has a plumbing business and wears spandex tops which are very revealing-"silver dollar?" but I will save some for later when I know more.

All of which I find refreshingly diverse!  It is so interesting. No meanness discerned yet.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Internet MAGNATE !

I received a check from Google for $107.59.  All from people clicking through the ads on my blog. The text of my blog gives Google's computers some sense of what I am writing about and picks ads to post on my blog. The money just flows in-I can barely keep up with it. Seriously I am pleased to have the check and suspect it may be another few years before I see another. I will spend it on something computery.

Lori came over fairly early and we cleaned the project house-it is getting very close to finished- although an older property is probably never completely done.  Jason and I were talking about it-"refurbished" is probably a good word.  It is a great house. Somebody is going to get a great deal and a nice home. Pictures will be posted when Jason says it is time.

Without my Southern Butter Pecan creamer, mornings are just not liveable. It is only found at the Wal-Mart on highway 441 which is a boundary of the Everglades and a pretty good drive. They were out! A very nice man put his parka back on and went in the back of the refrigerated unit to search for some. No dice. Some should be arriving by truck tonight. As much as I hate to, I will make the trek again.  It really pays to go there. I use Jenny-O turkey ham as my sole lunch meat because it is lowest in salt of any alternative. Publix gets $6.49 for 2 pounds, Winn Dixie 5.99, WalMart $4.90 to name one example.

Domestic god

Thursdays are my "domesticity days"-wash, clean, fix, organize, etc. Watered all the plants, outside and in, because it has been hot and dry for a few days. With the kids back in town, a cleaning service is available. Michelle is fast, efficient, speaks English if New York-ese is, in fact, English.  I have a compulsion to clean before she gets here. She called in sick last Sunday, Very good, but reliable? We will have to see.  I washed windows-finally resorting to good old vinegar and water to get rid of the streaks. Took the doggie nose prints off the picture window at 3:00 p.m,; they were back by 7:00 when Lori came for Juneau's daily walk in the burbs. She was hungry for pork from La Granja which is just around the corner. It is Brazilian or Cuban, we haven't figured it out, but the food is quite tasty. They treated. A very nice unexpected surprise.

Matt says Audrey is now reading bedtime stories to him. She is loving first grade and is in the top reading group. Well ,she IS my grandchild.  He is paying some attention to his health and got more tattoo-tribal. It looks very nice but I have to confess, I don't "get" tattoos. He has also dropped some weight-size 36 waist, working out with some insane workout protocol. Nothing by halves with Matthew-nor with Jason.

The house project is moving apace. He is plumbing, etc.  He doesn't seem to want any help.  The kitchen turned out fabulous. 

I have been busy with my projects. The garden house has been reconstructed. It was taken down once by rain, and once by wind. Each time I re-engineer, making it better, I hope..  I had to cover some of the greenery I bought. The sun was killing it. Others are doing fine.

My Wyoming blogger friend posted some pictures of hunting camp and it made me homesick. It has snowed there, though so I am being happy. The snowbirds, feathery and smooth (for the most part)  are starting to wend this way. Jeanne and Marc will be here later this month. Lew and Greg mid- November. Greg is still not 100% and may never be: he has  lost feeling in much of his face. Still on a soft diet. Lew is getting tired: Says Greg hasn't gotten of the "effing couch" for four weeks.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sunset Cruise with Marge and Carl

Eye Candy-bless cameras with long lenses!

Carl, Marge and Lori with Lighthouse point in the background. Margaret is Lori's aunt on her father's side. Lori favors her which is good news for her. Marge is a nice looking lady at 67. She taught Elementary school for 25 years. Carl had a State Farm Insurance Agency that his son now runs. They have a beautiful home and run a few cattle in southeast Oklahoma. They had a nice visit and I think they will be back next October. Which is good, because they are fun.

My Internet connection is back and running. There was a power bump and something went awry. It was just on the laptop because the iPods were working fine so I could play my opponents with Word.

I have been working on my "garden house" or "Fortress of Solitude." There was about 8 feet between my toolshed and the 8 foot wall at the back of the property. It's attraction is that it stays pretty cool until noon whereas my back patio catches the sun as soon at it comes up. It has a canopy, and I have planted some vines and plants so the effect, someday, will be that of sitting right in a garden. It is lit by solar lights at night and is (of course) wired for music.

The kids come by either to work on the project house or to walk dogs. I enjoy the company. They made a very nice dinner last week and I made a very plain dinner for them last night. At least they didn't have to cook after being so busy. The project house is coming along swimmingly. The kitchen is very nearly done, the bathrooms are coming right along.

Doggies and master (ha, ha) are doing well. The heat is lessening and we are all out of doors more. Rode my bike to the Salvation Army yesterday to buy old curtains to shade my tender young plants. Reading lots and lots.
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