Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Party

The link is here:

I had originally planned to dangle a potato out of my shorts and go as a "dictator." I went so far as to rent a Qaddafi-style hat for $35.00 then Qaddafi had the bad taste to get himself killed so the whole prospect seemed over the top. So I went to the closet and ironing board and purchased a $19.00 Hippie costume. My  25 year-old Afro wig somehow had made it to Florida! I was under-dressed as you can see from the other's costumes. Some of the costumes must have rented for hundreds. Nonetheless I enjoyed seeing people and noshing with them-taking pictures, as is my wont.

I left as the poker games -Texas Hold 'Em, were beginning. Dennis and Jason split an $1100.00 pot, kicked in to the "house" for the food and were well-satisfied with the evening. Lori had a good time. They brought breakfast sandwiches this morning and we held a post-mortem on the party and  decided it was a winner. Dress up a little and people "get beyond themselves," and are generally fun.

It has been monsoonal here. Hurricane Rina broke up but sent massive rain and stiff winds to South Florida. The streets are often flooded. Walking the dogs requires long term planning to avoid getting soaked-either feet or from rain.  Toweling them off leaves them fluffy and sweet smelling although Honey always smells good-Buddy not so much. The water is a blessing in the right places. I have found from my plantings, that it is impossible to fill a hole with water down here. It hits the sandy layer and flows swiftly away.

I had breakfast with the Stephensons across the street per their invitation. They are kind and cheerful people. They don't celebrate Halloween but were able to advise me on how much candy to get for the neighborhood.  They "bug out" Rick says.  The transmission on their Honda Odyssey is kaput. I worry about them-they seem to live modestly and got way underwater on their home in Boynton. They are renting here.

Speaking of transmissions, Marc and Jeane are in some obscure KOA  campground in Georgia. The transmission they had repaired here last year went out again. Their warranty was dependent on the vehicle being presented back at the Lake Worth shop. So they shipped their transmission to him. They have a large RV but they also have a SuperDuty Ford 350 so they should have plenty of truck. Dunno, but will get here eventually.  Nicole and Andre were in Istanbul when the earthquakes rumbled through Turkey's hinterlands. We have heard nothing from them but they are resourceful. 

I have two "local" football teams-the Denver Broncos and the Miami Dolphins. They both stink. I am looking for an adoptable team.  The World Series finale games were great fun though I do not follow baseball very much.

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