Friday, October 14, 2011

Domestic god

Thursdays are my "domesticity days"-wash, clean, fix, organize, etc. Watered all the plants, outside and in, because it has been hot and dry for a few days. With the kids back in town, a cleaning service is available. Michelle is fast, efficient, speaks English if New York-ese is, in fact, English.  I have a compulsion to clean before she gets here. She called in sick last Sunday, Very good, but reliable? We will have to see.  I washed windows-finally resorting to good old vinegar and water to get rid of the streaks. Took the doggie nose prints off the picture window at 3:00 p.m,; they were back by 7:00 when Lori came for Juneau's daily walk in the burbs. She was hungry for pork from La Granja which is just around the corner. It is Brazilian or Cuban, we haven't figured it out, but the food is quite tasty. They treated. A very nice unexpected surprise.

Matt says Audrey is now reading bedtime stories to him. She is loving first grade and is in the top reading group. Well ,she IS my grandchild.  He is paying some attention to his health and got more tattoo-tribal. It looks very nice but I have to confess, I don't "get" tattoos. He has also dropped some weight-size 36 waist, working out with some insane workout protocol. Nothing by halves with Matthew-nor with Jason.

The house project is moving apace. He is plumbing, etc.  He doesn't seem to want any help.  The kitchen turned out fabulous. 

I have been busy with my projects. The garden house has been reconstructed. It was taken down once by rain, and once by wind. Each time I re-engineer, making it better, I hope..  I had to cover some of the greenery I bought. The sun was killing it. Others are doing fine.

My Wyoming blogger friend posted some pictures of hunting camp and it made me homesick. It has snowed there, though so I am being happy. The snowbirds, feathery and smooth (for the most part)  are starting to wend this way. Jeanne and Marc will be here later this month. Lew and Greg mid- November. Greg is still not 100% and may never be: he has  lost feeling in much of his face. Still on a soft diet. Lew is getting tired: Says Greg hasn't gotten of the "effing couch" for four weeks.