Sunday, October 16, 2011

Meet the Neighbors

First, the kind gentleman at WalMart who said my creamer would be in Saturday is a Big Fat Liar. I am suffering withdrawal and am on a search for something else that I might enjoy.  My trip was not a total bust-I got an assortment of nuts and bolts that I could have used in the past and will use going forward. 

As I walk the neighborhood with the dogs- and Jason or Lori often accompany me, we are meeting the neighbors. To my right are Michael and Vanessa. He trains dogs, ostensibly, and is gone from early to late. Vanessa recently moved in in time to have their baby. Young folks- kind of slackerish, if you catch my drift. To the further left is the sniper for the Broward Sheriff's office. Wife and three kids who all look like mom. First time I saw him-no uniform, I thought-gay,gay, gay! Jason had the same reaction. Hmmm. 

Across the street are Rick and Trish and two kids and spectacular toys. I think Trish is rolling in it-they came home with a big fancy Jeep last week. Trish said she had paid off her Cadillac so they have cash to add to their collection- GMC Suburban to haul the boat and the airboat. They do use them constantly so I am glad for them. They are living life to the fullest by their lights. Certainly having fun.

Also across the street are Sharon and Rick, Josh, Caleb and Ben-homeschoolers with religious convictions of the higher type-they seem to live it. The kids are polite and bright. Rick works outside the house and does all the cooking too. Sharon told me last week, that she told Rick she needed "a date night." They didn't go anywhere so I guess that might be code.  He cleans the bottom of boats-dives. She is getting into the bodywrap business. Jason thinks she is flirty but I am obtuse about that as well as past caring. 

Next to them is Jordan-a young firefighter who has a female roommate and a girlfriend and is enjoying his new home by hosting parties that last long into the night. Glad to have youth and dissipation to balance the Fundamentalists.

Across the street from Jordan is Tom and Lisa and three kids. Tom is a painter and looks as if his head was smashed badly and put back together not quite right. He is very nice. His wife Lori is a homeschooler, Fundamentalist, mom of three who apparently is bipolar. I have met the nice Lori-not the one that stands in the middle of the street and screams. These people like to put cards on windshields exhorting people to find Jesus when the neighbors have parties.  LOTS of pizza boxes in their recycle bin.

Next to them is a "laidback couple" (Tommy T's assessment) I have never seen. I have met their British -born, surfer, dissipated houseboy/lawn guy. They own the old trailer park that Honey likes to escape to and frolic.

Next to them is a guy who goes to work in a white shirt and tie and comes home and puts on his Harley- Davidson duds and ride around. They own the bouncing poodles who go crazy when we walk by.  Pleasant people.

Across the street from them lives Michael and ? I hollered across the street about how cool their Halloween decorations are. He came across the street to meet us.  I was thinking very masculine woman. Then he told us his name was Michael. Jason noticed the "French fingernails," (I don't know French fingernails from French fries!)  Transvestite at the very least. Very nice and friendly. 

I could go on about the guy who puts his Confederate  flag out, the clown who has chartreuse hair, the fellow dog-walker who says she has a plumbing business and wears spandex tops which are very revealing-"silver dollar?" but I will save some for later when I know more.

All of which I find refreshingly diverse!  It is so interesting. No meanness discerned yet.