Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Redux

Jason decided we needed a family Thanksgiving after Lori returned. Going out for Thanksgiving as delightful as it is to taste other folk's traditions, does have the drawback of no leftovers, also. So Sunday at 2:00 Trish, and Jason and Lori and moi gathered for a Turkey and trimmings. Jason produced it all- prize winning mashed potatoes, dressing, turkey, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, home cooked rolls. It was delicious. Trish, who originated in England, brought one of her fabled "trifles" for dessert. It was delectable- We asked about the recipe. As soon as she said "peel two pounds of grapes," Lori and I said "Stop!" We knew full well that peeling two pounds of grapes in our kitchens was a non-starter. Not to mention the whipping cream from scratch and the cognac. Made it all the sweeter to savor on the occasion.

Nana's china was overflowing! At least mine was. We started to go into post-turkey coma even after strong coffee. Lori suggested we take Trish to see the kitchen Jason did-as she wants to re-do hers. We all went on a dogwalk in my neighborhood which helped postpone nap time. When Jason delivered leftovers just in time for the 8:00 p.m. munchies, I learned that I was not the only one who required a nap. We got our turkey sandwiches!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Click here for pictures
Thanksgiving celebration with Bob and Marcia.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Early Snowbirds

Jeanne and Marc finally arrived after a forced 15 day stay in Cecil, Georgia. Their transmission tribulations were finally ended with a remanufactured tranny from Ford-guaranteed for three years. Needless to say, they were very relieved and happy to finally be in their winter home. They treated me to a very pleasant evening-canapes, sparkling wine, and a chicken dinner. It was very nice to see them. It had been months since I was in good old John Prince Campground so I took a little spin around the place. It is only just starting to fill. Many happy days spent there but I have to admit setting up and tearing down were lots of work. I like where I am and can go visit.

I have been finding plenty to do around here. Nu-Turf nursery got three visits. Sodding some places where otherwise, the doggies like to dig themselves little depressions in the dirt to rest their bones. That is just fine until they come in the house. Florida has the dirtiest dirt-it is like silt. The pups like their grassy spots too. I can't seem to go to the nursery without leaving with some extras. The Mandevilla vine isn't doing much. The Morning Glory is really taking off as they are wont to do. Some rose bushes are doing all right.

I have been doing experimental cooking- rice cooker and steamer are getting most of the action as eating healthy suggests alternative methods and foods. I'll try to cook for my friends healthy, tasty stuff.

Lori and Trish are in Texas for Thanksgiving. They wanted to see Casey play basketball and have family time. Jason is here, in the final throes of selling the house next door. The inspection suggested some minor fix ups so he is doing those. He got his asking price and the new owners are ecstatic with it. They sound like they will be good neighbors. Time will tell. He and I have invitations for Thanksgiving but we may still bolt and cook our own.

I have been reading from the Classic Mysteries Collection and am kind of fascinated with Mary Roberts Rinehart. Plots are kind of melodramatic but she is excellent with character and culture and mores, and human nature. She was widowed fairly early in her life and became a literary powerhouse-like Stephen King except in the early part of the last century. She got into publishing-she is the Rinehart in Holt Rinehart and Winston. Quite a lady she was.
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Friday, November 18, 2011

Time Warp

This blog entry is coming from the "fair Elante." The old HP computer is now on my network after days of trial and error  It feels very familiar and is a blast from the past. Wind and rain and mists swirl around the camper. Living so close to the ocean has its good points and a few bad ones.

I am hobbling with a bout of the gout. The dietary constraints of my conditions make eating at all precarious. My friends too have various dietary restrictions. Greg and Lew showed up. Greg is still mostly on soft food. They did a great job of restoring his face but the underlying plates are still not quite firm. Lew is still suffering from the prostate operation in ways you don't really want to know about. The doggies got their walk this morning, nonetheless. It was a stately stroll. Two bad moments: A blonde head was bobbing in a lap in a car we passed. Honey chose that moment to do her doody. Then as I was gingerly limping my way down the block,a great big guy came out of his house walking the same way! I was not mocking anybody I swear.

Friday, November 11, 2011


An anniversary of sorts. I never remember the bad dates but my son and Seattle Sooz and Bon remind me that a year ago was the first day of the rest of the trouble. Was on a life flight to Casper after Thayne hauled my sorry ...self to the hospital in Riverton. I am not living the life I expected to be living on that morning but I am living a fine life. Mind bending still in some ways but gratitude bubbles up for the support and joy I still feel in everyday life. 

I celebrated by cleaning out the Chevy van I got in Nebraska after the Ford collided with a deer on my way here to Florida. I found the owner's manual and spent some time checking out features I didn't know I had and fixing a few things. It is a nice van. The RV is about as fixed and cleaned as I can make it. Right cozy. Target being so close, I replaced a few of the shabbier linens. Put lipstick on the old pig. She is still the fair Elante to me.

Cooler days now: the ones I come to Florida for-and the pups agree. They are energized and outside most of the day. There are no prairie dogs to chase but there are squirrels to tantalize them and lizards to chase when they aren't wrestling. Buddy makes stuff up to get Honey exercised. He creates emergencies. She is so patient with him. She could end his little life with one snap of her jaws but he is all over her, leading her around by her ruff and biting her hiney. She just sits down and wrestles with him. The highlight of their day is the evening walk with cousin Juneau. They just go nuts when Juneau hits the ground barking and Jason hits the door. Sometimes Lori comes and everybody has a dog. Of course we get the benefit of some brisk walking too.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Animal Abuse!

Lori bought a Santa outfit for Buddy. He didn't seem to mind it at all and Honey seemed to "get it." Big mistake on Buddy's part not to make a fuss-I am sure more outfits are in his future. Lori gets so tickled.

I am feeling like the head skunk of the blogworks. One factor is a Galaxy Tablet computer-handheld 7 inch smartphone thingy my phone company made irresistible. It is great for browsing, reading the email etc., but does not lend itself to typing paragraphs. The big computer gets less time. Then I am going through mundane days which are satisfying bur nor particularly newsworthy. The RV is looking better all the tme- a cozy guest house or retreat for me when guests overflow the household. I am starting to think of the property as a "compound." I seem to be creating little places to be.

I have turned into a "South Florida Weenie." It was 56 degrees at 7:00 a.m. one day last week and I was bundling up to walk the dogs. My fingers hurt just like they did in Wyoming cold. Hurricane Rina sent lots of rain our way when she broke up and the days are cooler. My plants are enjoying it too. Jason is aiding and abetting-he texted me a "curb alert" that somebody discarded a bougainvillea. My plant rescue efforts are impressive if I do say so myself.

The snowbirds are wending my way. Poor Jeanne and Marc lost a transmission in Cecil, Georgia-one traffic light. They have been there about ten days. Greg called-he and Lew did Christmas for "the kids." They will be here by the 15th and Greg sounded chipper this time. Ongoing medical problems for both but after a certain age, who doesn't have them? Nicole and Andre for two. They survived the upheaval after the Turkish earthquakes and are home in Canada after 44 days abroad. They are doing early Christmas celebrations for their near and dears. They now would like to delay their departure to Florida but they reserved early to get their favorite site. We'll see.

I am feeling well enough- my naps now seem obligatory rather than optional. When I am busy I forget but I do feel better after a midday rest. Promotes kidney action. I am measuring input pretty carefully these days. My weight is down but it may just be water.

The kids are just great. They come for the evening dogwalk and I get to cook for them once in awhile.