Friday, November 18, 2011

Time Warp

This blog entry is coming from the "fair Elante." The old HP computer is now on my network after days of trial and error  It feels very familiar and is a blast from the past. Wind and rain and mists swirl around the camper. Living so close to the ocean has its good points and a few bad ones.

I am hobbling with a bout of the gout. The dietary constraints of my conditions make eating at all precarious. My friends too have various dietary restrictions. Greg and Lew showed up. Greg is still mostly on soft food. They did a great job of restoring his face but the underlying plates are still not quite firm. Lew is still suffering from the prostate operation in ways you don't really want to know about. The doggies got their walk this morning, nonetheless. It was a stately stroll. Two bad moments: A blonde head was bobbing in a lap in a car we passed. Honey chose that moment to do her doody. Then as I was gingerly limping my way down the block,a great big guy came out of his house walking the same way! I was not mocking anybody I swear.