Monday, November 7, 2011

Animal Abuse!

Lori bought a Santa outfit for Buddy. He didn't seem to mind it at all and Honey seemed to "get it." Big mistake on Buddy's part not to make a fuss-I am sure more outfits are in his future. Lori gets so tickled.

I am feeling like the head skunk of the blogworks. One factor is a Galaxy Tablet computer-handheld 7 inch smartphone thingy my phone company made irresistible. It is great for browsing, reading the email etc., but does not lend itself to typing paragraphs. The big computer gets less time. Then I am going through mundane days which are satisfying bur nor particularly newsworthy. The RV is looking better all the tme- a cozy guest house or retreat for me when guests overflow the household. I am starting to think of the property as a "compound." I seem to be creating little places to be.

I have turned into a "South Florida Weenie." It was 56 degrees at 7:00 a.m. one day last week and I was bundling up to walk the dogs. My fingers hurt just like they did in Wyoming cold. Hurricane Rina sent lots of rain our way when she broke up and the days are cooler. My plants are enjoying it too. Jason is aiding and abetting-he texted me a "curb alert" that somebody discarded a bougainvillea. My plant rescue efforts are impressive if I do say so myself.

The snowbirds are wending my way. Poor Jeanne and Marc lost a transmission in Cecil, Georgia-one traffic light. They have been there about ten days. Greg called-he and Lew did Christmas for "the kids." They will be here by the 15th and Greg sounded chipper this time. Ongoing medical problems for both but after a certain age, who doesn't have them? Nicole and Andre for two. They survived the upheaval after the Turkish earthquakes and are home in Canada after 44 days abroad. They are doing early Christmas celebrations for their near and dears. They now would like to delay their departure to Florida but they reserved early to get their favorite site. We'll see.

I am feeling well enough- my naps now seem obligatory rather than optional. When I am busy I forget but I do feel better after a midday rest. Promotes kidney action. I am measuring input pretty carefully these days. My weight is down but it may just be water.

The kids are just great. They come for the evening dogwalk and I get to cook for them once in awhile.