Friday, November 11, 2011


An anniversary of sorts. I never remember the bad dates but my son and Seattle Sooz and Bon remind me that a year ago was the first day of the rest of the trouble. Was on a life flight to Casper after Thayne hauled my sorry ...self to the hospital in Riverton. I am not living the life I expected to be living on that morning but I am living a fine life. Mind bending still in some ways but gratitude bubbles up for the support and joy I still feel in everyday life. 

I celebrated by cleaning out the Chevy van I got in Nebraska after the Ford collided with a deer on my way here to Florida. I found the owner's manual and spent some time checking out features I didn't know I had and fixing a few things. It is a nice van. The RV is about as fixed and cleaned as I can make it. Right cozy. Target being so close, I replaced a few of the shabbier linens. Put lipstick on the old pig. She is still the fair Elante to me.

Cooler days now: the ones I come to Florida for-and the pups agree. They are energized and outside most of the day. There are no prairie dogs to chase but there are squirrels to tantalize them and lizards to chase when they aren't wrestling. Buddy makes stuff up to get Honey exercised. He creates emergencies. She is so patient with him. She could end his little life with one snap of her jaws but he is all over her, leading her around by her ruff and biting her hiney. She just sits down and wrestles with him. The highlight of their day is the evening walk with cousin Juneau. They just go nuts when Juneau hits the ground barking and Jason hits the door. Sometimes Lori comes and everybody has a dog. Of course we get the benefit of some brisk walking too.