Monday, January 16, 2012

Breathing a little easier

My breathing and oxygen levels have been very good for quite awhile. The numbers won't support a re-up on an insurance paid oxygen concentrator. Still, I grew accustomed to night-time oxygen and still have some vestiges of sleep apnea which the oxygen helps. Seeing the writing on the wall, I started checking Craig's List. I followed a few leads which led nowhere but finally located one in Margate.  That is far out of my usual haunts but I screwed up my courage and drove way west and some south. The guy offered me a chance to dicker so I did.  I got a good deal on a fairly high mileage concentrator.  I had checked with Dr. Cohn and he had no objection, in fact understood, my desire to continue but not to the extent of committing  malpractice by prescribing that which did not meet the guidelines.  So I am set for now.  Even if it just reassuring it is worth it to somebody who NEVER wants to suffocate in his own lung fluids again. Twice is twice too many times to go through that.

Buddy has appointed himself "air warden." Being a little fella he looks over his shoulder a lot. He takes umbrage at the Goodyear Blimp which sails across our airspace at least twice a week.  He will raise a fuss until the thing is well past our horizons. He knows how it sounds now. It is pretty funny for the first 10 minutes but since he always succeeds in chasing it off, he gives it the 20 or 30 minutes it requires then grumbles for another 5.