Thursday, January 5, 2012

Shiver Me Timbers!

I had to figure out how to get my air conditioning  system to produce heat. A first time in over a year and first for me ever. It is a little different. Instead of hot air coming out of the registers, first comes cool, then comes warm and that is pretty much it. The air handler recirculates the air  pretty frequently and each time the air goes through it gains some heat. After awhile it is comfortable. It has not frozen here but is is very brisk out there.  Should be nicer this weekend. The days are very nice-Honey is frisky. Buddy is too, then he thinks a lap is a nice place to be.

The John Prince people have been sick! Serious colds, sore throats. They have stayed home and I am glad for that. Jason succumbed to a cold bug day before yesterday. Hope it leaves him more quickly than it did the geezers.

Jerome of the rasta hair and gold teeth delivered a used file cabinet from Crazy Roger's used office equipment. It is heavy wood and he worked hard and got it just right. He said, "You have a cozy crib here." He is right. I do-what a difference a year makes. Trying to make sense of the office/den. Jason's mantra is "Make it look intentional."  I try. My "give a sh.."  attachment takes a holiday sometimes. I think it is on its last legs.