Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Friend In Deed

Thayne called. He noticed the lights in my Wyoming house were out. Bless him: he went in, climbed up in my attic and replaced two fuses. Now THAT is a friend. I am happy to report that he took up with a lady he had known for years last March after returning from his vacation here. They are still seeing each other frequently. In fact, as she is a bartender, the owners hired him to be a bar backup person so he has a social life with the lady and is not required to drink. He is enjoying the human parade. He is a good man-I hope she appreciates that.

I have been doctoring a little. My primary doc and my electrophysiologist were not in accord- I occasioned the conflict. I asked Dr. Cohn why I had to continue to take Warfarin because I had not had A-Fib since last March. He told me to discuss it with Dr. Rosenbaum.  Rosenbaum convinced me that one of meds was merely controlling the A-Fib and the statistics on quitting Warfarin and having a stroke are pretty alarming. I did get a medicine change to Xarelto which thins the blood through a different mechanism and doesn't require giving blood every three weeks. I didn't mind getting stuck but the hour and a half wait was wearing.  Cohn is wary of the new meds but says we can always go back. I feel good.

I, as usual, am reading prodigiously. Most recently The Autobigraphy of Mark Twain which he embargoed for 100 years after his death. I thought there would be some dynamite in there but it is essnetially a love letter to his daughter Susy who died young but had kept a biography of her father from her age of first literacy to age 24. That is not to say I haven't enjoyed it and learned from it.

I read the Legend of Wolfspear by Richard Stephenson who lives across the street. It is in the Fantasy genre and has some excellent virtues- Battle scenes and action are very good. He builds on historical facts too so the verisimilitude is strong.