Friday, January 20, 2012

Who Killed The Goose?

You will note the blog has gone ad-free.  After five years I was thrilled to received a check from Google for around $100.00. Then another one came- I still have it.  Then came a notice that my ADsense account had been disabled for fishy ad clicks- running up my account artifically they maintain. So someone killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. Frankly I will not miss the money but I am annoyed that Google thinks I am a shyster.  There were some domains sending traffic my way from Russia if that is what ru. means.  I have filed an appeal but my blog is not necessarily commercially viable so I may forever be ad-free. Boo-hoo.

The dogs have been itchy. Taking the path of least resistance, I gave Buddy a bath. He smells better and is fluffier. I am monitoring the itchy part and have washed dog blankets, etc. He wasn't really crazy about the experience but he was a good boy.  The girl may need a professional.

The kids came by and brought Pickle Barrel Sandwiches to order for lunch. I had an egg salad sand for lunch and supper-they are that big.  The kids are off to the West Coast tomorrow (of Florida- about 150 miles). They have friends from here who have a vacation/rental /investment home over there and there are a couple of weeks it is not rented.  (Weekly rent mostly to Germans- a good income)

Thing have been fairly quiet here- had the pip Wednesday and have been very drowsy for the last couple of days. Good R.E.M.sleep with dreams in which the live and dead people of my life interact freely. Curious.