Saturday, January 14, 2012

Christmas in January

Nasty colds kept the John Prince Park people in their campers for the festivities of the season so we held our own last Saturday. Drinks and canapes at Andre and Nicole's, then a lunch at the Old Key Lime House. We had a beautiful day for it and as usual, some good laughs and photo ops.

Jeanne's idea and photography. Others were taking snaps too before it was over.

All five of us-we are ever mindful that we used to be seven. Lots of pleasant memories and more coming..

Since that time I came down with the dreaded cold-probably from Jason who had a rough time of it. I think I am mostly over it and did not have a very bad time of it. Perhaps Dr. Cohn's administration of a flu shot helped me. Dr. Rosenbaum's office did not care that I had a cold and I had another good report from Rob and Melissa. (I haven't actually seen Rosenbaum since the word Medicare passed my lips) My battery will last for another 8 years making it highly likely a defibrillator will become available on eBay. There were no cardiac events since last time-It will be a year in March since my Cardioversion and I haven't skipped a beat.

Greg and Lew came by yesterday-the puppy has arrived and it proving a tonic for the whole outfit. Even Pupper is less mopey. After an easing in, all four doggies played a little. It surely is a cute pup. Greg hardly lets it walk.

We are in the midst of another cold spell which means jackets. Some of the plants are feeling it. It is nice for long walks with the doggies and not at the crack of dawn. Jason and Lori are in the throes of home maintenance and improvement. They will take a weekend trip to the other coast for R&R with some friends.
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