Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4th of July Pampa

We were blessed with my former wife Eve, her brother T and Lillian, and her sister Nan among other family members from Lori's side. A very pleasant visit all around. The temps had dropped from 106 to mid 90's so it was a wonderful day for the party. Lori's hard work on the gardens paid off handsomely with some fresh blooms -Hibiscus as big as salad plates and bushes coming into full bloom. Hannah, Lori  and Joy, her mom had shopped for party supplies and decorations and I did a bit of running too. Running into my sister in law's car was kind of the lowpoint for me. Lori's sister in law, Janet, baked a great cake, nephew Casey decorated it,. Others dropped in. I am rather proud of the photographs of the diving by Clinton and Cameron, Jess and others. Click on the piture to see the album.