Friday, July 13, 2012

Crap Day

Jason called-he has had about of pleurisy that the doc- in- the- box in Pampa seems to be curing. I hate that he got sick. It sounded very painful. He told me that my sister-in-law had contacted him about her car door and the cost was in excess of $2000.00. I had estimated about $1000.00 and was paying for it out of pocket. So I changed tack and submitted it to GEICO and so far it has sailed smoothly.  When the next premium comes due-we will see.

Honey got mugged by two big dogs who were definitely in her territory. Thayne came down after that and was coincidentally observing those dogs. I thought they were the Delaunay's dogs but he could see their dogs where they were supposed to be. He is missing a calf and has suspicions of these marauding dogs.  Trip to the vet and $376.00 later...that included shots for them both. Honey is still sore and out of it from the anaesthetic. I have a couple of .410 shells with those dog's names on them. Won't kill them but it will give them a stinging lesson. I am glad I took her to the vet-the only sore I could see was on her front shoulder. Her hind end  was seriously bitten. There is so much fur there I would have missed it.Pills and liniment for days to come. Crap!