Thursday, July 12, 2012

Getting settled on the old homestead

A place has a way of getting into your blood (soul?, heart?). This place is mine. So thrilling to sit on the deck with morning coffee and view the countryside.  Although the town seems  more prosperous and some attention is being paid to aesthetics, the contrast between here and Florida is a bit of a jolt-I am so fortunate to have both in my life.

I have been a busy bee. I had to get my loppers and trim trees to gain access to the house without poking out an eye.  I had to cut weeds to make sure my van's exhaust didn't set fire to them. The well started right up but I am in the process of sterilizing it. We are drinking bottled water. I left the place in a mess and the good fairies did not come. Too much stuff-ten pounds of mud in a five pound sack. I'm playing "pitch till you win." The weather has been cooler than  I am used to so I was in no hurry to take the swamp cooler out of mothballs. But yesterday, instead of the storm it appeared to be, we got a "dry thunderstorm" and the temperature spiked with the warm, strong winds. Swamp cooler installed.

Rich came to town and we had lunch-very nice.. Feglers trucked their cows to the summer range above Dubois yesterday which allows the pastures down here to be irrigated. So I helped Thayne clear ditches. Honey and Buddy barked at the rising water and then played in it-so funny to watch and it made them feel good and wild with play. Thayne is banged up. He was spraying weeds in the pasture and the bull that is down here servicing 21 heifers, is a bit of a pet. Thayne scratched his head a couple of times then the bull tossed his head and threw him four feet. Face and ribs bruised to purple. He got checked out and was given painkillers but he is still hurting. Yawning or sneezing causes agony.

The Internet has been problematic. My wifi doesn't work for beans. I am connected  now by tethering my Droid to the laptop.

Feeling fine-all systems are going. The altitude is not a problem that I can discern. Delores called from West Virginny yesterday. They got clobbered by that big storm. They had been without power for nine days. They had a generator and aunt Jayne had a chamber pot in her stock of antiques. Don was able to do without his oxygen somewhere in Iowa. All are doing well and enjoying the adventure.