Thursday, September 23, 2010

After My Own Heart

 The Denver Post carried an article on 85 year old Wanda who is still trying to carry on with the family ranch near Dinosaur National Monument. She summers there tending to 300 cows, fixing fence, growing her own veggies and being a hermit, albeit a friendly one. Independent old cuss. She lets hunters rent her cabin and hunting privileges in the fall because she is near the nubbins cash wise. They put in a cement floor, an indoor potty and a solar water pump. She can't help walking on the floor but the other amenities she ignores.
The pictures were great and the story excellent. In the comments section someone said if you enjoy this, you need to read Diana Kouris's book Riding the Edge of an Era. My eyes bugged out. Diana is a friend of mine-her husband, an even older friend. I had been meaning to get the book from Diana. I have her first one and enjoyed it. So I sent her the link, called to tell her why. She has known Wanda all her life. Long story, short, we will meet for dinner next week for a long overdue visit and a book signing.

Link to the Denver Post article here:

Honey is doing better with the meds but she still limps sometimes. To tell the truth, I am getting a little sick and tired of the doggie nursemaid game. I like them better when they are are able to be more independent and I can be too. I can't say enough about how good she has been but every minute of everyday monitoring is getting old. What with Buddy, it is going on 6-8 weeks now.
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