Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reflections on a Misspent Youth

We lived in Steamboat Springs for about  six years when I was growing up. They have reunions every year that encompass a span of years- it was a small school, the town had about 1300 residents then. I attended one reunion as a kind of interloper because I really didn't graduate from there. They invite me back, though and while I don't plan to go this year, they contacted me for the "booklet." I spent some nice hours yesterday remembering and writing about Steamboat years:

Prospecting for garnets on Soda Creek in the river bank-by the bridge near Hubbards.

The party line. We were 46-J or 46-R and Browns had the other one. We could stand by our phone and wave at the Browns on theirs. We had Skype long before computers. Of course we never listened in. Chrissie Fick was one operator for Union and we always said "hi." She had tales to tell but never did.

"Mr. Sandman, Bring me a dream." Played on the P.A. at the Chief Theater before and between the shows.

Playing HORSE with the basketball at the hoop in the alley behind Shearers. (Alice Van Cleve's barn?)

Digging up and making horseradish that grew by the Wither's "summerhouse."

Playing "Kick the Can" and "Hide and go Seek" using the tree in front of Shearers as "the base." And the year "Hide and go Seek," became "Hide and go Kiss."

The Lion's Club Minstrel/talent Show at the Chief (ye Gods!): My dad was Aunt Jemimah. Andrew Mc Dermott popped his "boobs" with a pin. Cynthia Adams sang "Ave Maria."

"Draw a Face on a Dead Man's Back." "Mumblety Peg with our pocket knives." "Parcheesi", and "Clue" on the rug at Shearer's house. Days long Canasta tournaments.

Harold Tucker delivering coal. Taking the clinkers to the ashpit.

Putting carbide near the steam valves on the radiators in 4th grade and watching Minnie Herzog casually open the windows to get rid of the stench.It never worked as well as we hoped.

"Pie Socials" as fundraisers for the band after band concerts. Parents baked and donated the pies, then they sold them by the piece.

The only pizza place in town was Mrs. Workman's at the school lunch serving line. Coach Telk "losing it" over the lunchroom being too noisy and Superintendent George P. Sauer taking him by the arm and escorting him out of the room.

"Tin roof" sundaes for a quarter at Law Drug. Reading the magazines in the corner. The old Samoyed dog that slept outside the door.

Trading "funny books" at the Library.

Putting pennies on the railroad tracks.

Penny candy at the service station after swimming.

Lorna Brown packing a picnic lunch and packing up the kids to take to Marvin and Bill Neish when they were farming.

Docking and herding sheep for Andrew McDermott. Camping by Soda Creek with my dog Bootsie and my pet bum lamb.

My lawn mowing business. My brother Bob calling me "Snowball Junior."
(Snowball was a town character who mowed lawns. Rumor had it he had stepped on a high voltage line in the service.  He was definitely strange.)

Dance lessons in the Rorex basement before 8th Grade Prom. Ruby's squaw dresses-every woman had one. Ruby's were especially colorful. Brightened up the school library.

Marsha Brown catching brook trout above the falls using daisies for bait after our worms ran out.

Reading every Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew mystery and Tom Swift book in the Steamboat Library. Trading with other kids.

Winter Carnival- ski-joring, diamond hitches, the Steamboat Ski Band on TV! The flares on Howelson Hill.

The Gleason's Chesapeake Retriever "Tinker Bell" chasing skunks through the neighborhood.

The "Save America" lady working the sidewalk in front of Webber's Appliance.

Trucks going over the edge on Rabbit Ears Pass. One year everybody in town got oranges. Another year a load of pigs went over, Nobody I knew got a pig.

Listening to KRAI, Craig Colorado. "One Man's Family." "The Great Gildersleeve," "Fibber McGee and Molly." The play by play for the Craig vs. Steamboat game. We always got "hometowned" by the announcers.
Things are going slow around here. Supervising the doggie is the main task. Honey is doing better at staying calm than I would have ever dreamed. Her lameness seems to be improving slowly. They are both restless and I don't blame them. We are all pretty much housebound.