Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We have been soaking up the peace and quiet before the traffic starts up again. I can say without equivocation that this has been the best summer ever here on the oasis. And I can also say that the bridge repair will be welcome in some ways. If I had to choose, the bridge would be gone. I don't know if it is a function of age or what but my love of this spot, the vistas, the critters, the skies, overwhelms me at times. Buddy is looking good isn't he? I think he is about all healed up. He's put on a little weight, his coat is improved. He is a fast little guy and doesn't appear to get winded. The big girl is an athlete but the little guy keeps up quite well. They took turns chasing each other in the top 40 this evening and they are speedy and funny. Honey is a dear. She stops and waits for him. He has the confidence of knowing he has backup. Bonus: Buddy likes me to sing to him. They both do. Honey used to act embarrassed but if I sing to Buddy, she wants to hear her story too. I sing in the Indian fashion telling them their stories complete with sound effects. I am not alone. Lori sings to Juneau.
The birds are in a feeding frenzy with the cooler weather. My squirrel-proof feeder is not. I found the lid off one day-a dove was trying to get in the top. The next day I saw a squirrel climb right up and try to get the top off again.

Honey is momentarily triumphant with the toy. They were towing each around with it but the game ended when the camera came out. They have pretty much cleared the grass out on the top of the hill.

I was listening to some Debussy Nocturnes under the stars last night on XM radio and they were so pleasant I went right to iTunes and downloaded 50 pieces by Debussy. (Note to self: Wait until you get to Florida for large downloads). Classical music is so cheap on iTunes. I could have gotten the three nocturnes for $3.00. I got 50 for $5.99. Some I know, some are new.

I made a big pot of ham and pinto beans on Friday. Corn bread to go with. Discovered that the butter disappeared with the eggs. Corn bread with peach preserves is good even without butter. The dogs are glad the beans are gone. Not that they got to eat any. We had fried chicken breasts tonight. Had to make gravy because there was no butter-grrr, for the spud.

Downloaded and am halfway through a good book-"The Culture of Fear-revised (updated)" It is written by a sociologist . He was on Oprah many moons ago but for some reason my bulloney detector was going off about something and I recollected this book. I love statistics and this guy is quite good about dissecting "studies" and going for the real stats. It is very readable.  We are complete rubes for the media to manipulate.

I also ordered some shirts from Eddie Bauer-end of season for $5.00. Marilu would be proud of me. Not quite 13 cents a shirt at the thrift shop but $3.00 trousers and $5.00 shirts ain't bad.
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