Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Made it to the store yesterday, decided the outdoor fridge needed a defrost and a scrub so I stuffed the contents into another Wal-Mart insulated bag and proceeded to do just that. While waiting for the ice to fall off the freezer compartment, I  checked the email and surfed a bit. When I went out to start the refrigerator again and re-stock, I found I was missing some things. I found four intact eggs and some empty packages in the yard-the Swiss cheese was gone, the cheap cheese was ignored by Mr. Gourmet cheese-eater Buddy. He was a little anxious when he saw me-he knows...

While energized by the new red blood cells, the blood pressure was high yesterday. I could tell by my temper. Adjustments need to be made. The old kidneys are itchy today. But I am sure they are grateful. After loading doses for two days, I am going on maintenance iron and spacing the BP meds. Feel great.

Buddy's collar arrived and it is on him. He hated it but is accommodating. I paged him (buzzer only) and it worked. I hope I don't have to shock him but if it means not going on the road I will do it in a heartbeat. Maybe the buzzer will do the trick. That is about all I have to do for Honey but she knows what is next. She comes running.

The video from yesterday does not fit in my blog frame. Click on it and you can see more at Youtube. They filmed it in letterbox. A live and learn world it is. I also used a bad word and now Janet can't get the blog at work. I may be doing some revising here.

I get a complimentary subscription to Economist Nouriel Roubini's newsletter. He says the economy is down for the foreseeable future. Can't call it a double dip because it has not really come back. He is the genius who called the downturn when others were being "irrationally exuberant." Says the stimulus was too little and it is now getting too late and the political will is not there. I'll leave it to you to point fingers wherever your prejudices lead you.