Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hermits Have No Peer Pressure

"Hermits have no peer pressure," was on the reader board at the Print Shop. Made me laugh and acknowledge the truth of it. Completely independent.  Then coincidentally I read a piece in the HuffPost about "Empaths" which  also struck home.  It shed some light on the hermit thing.
There is nothing that I didn't know already but she framed it nicely and put a better label than "dingbat hermit" to it.

It was 38 degrees at 7:30 this morning. Coffee was brief on the deck. How many warnings do I need that anytime after the 15th of this month we can see snow? Since my glucose is under better control and I felt pretty good, today seemed like a ripe time to oil the cabin-put preservative on the logs. So I did that on a nice warm afternoon. A nice sense of accomplishment followed and it looks nice. The north facing wall got two coats. It is exposed to the elements more and seems to dry out/weather faster. Tomorrow will include touch-up and putting the Swamp Cooler to bed.

I was ready for some football but the remote for the digital tuner has gone missing. I think Buddy knows something about it but he isn't telling. So I sat and looked at the blank TV and, after my exertions, nature took its course. Buddy asked to come up so we all three had a doze instead of a show.

Greg called during nap time and I let it go. Called him later... they are having a good summer. He will go do labor at a private fishing camp in the Adirondacks next weekend and get fishing privileges for his efforts. All my Florida friends are getting antsy to go south. Not me-this is just wonderful here but I know what is in store if I stay. I was watching Buddy as I chatted and then the doggies were gone. After the call I called them. They did not come. After thirty minutes I was getting panicky. I drove up and down the road and continued to whistle for them. Finally, I was down at the corrals and checking the culverts for drowned dogs and they came running up the road from the bridge end. They have never been down there and never gone for so long. I was upset. They were pleased with themselves-for a minute.You never scold for coming but I was a little cool to them. I pitied them today and took the electronic collars off. Won't happen again.

Blogger friend Denis retired from Pathfinder after umpteen years. He had been considering it but events brought it to a head. Now Denis the professional will become Denis the person full time. Always an adjustment. We'll see how he does. I'm betting on him. Wal-Mart Greeter is always a possibility. (He has a Consulting contract with Pathfinder).

The Florida kids had their 11th anniversary today. Bless them and I wish them happiness for the next 11 and the 11 after that and so on.

Nicole and Andre emailed. The boat is out of the water and cleaned and put to bed for the winter. They got the Rialta serviced and are going to convoy with friends from Quebec to Boston then up the coast through Maine and to Novia Scotia. They were talking of that trip on the way to Florida so I think their plans have changed a little. I hope the leaves are changing.