Sunday, September 26, 2010


Cousin Russ and his wife Kristin and another couple are touring Mesopotamia to kick off Russel's retirement. They are kindly emailing pictures and have started a Picasa album. It is really very interesting and since I am unlikely to go there I am Googling for information. Pretty cool to tour from home. This is the "Blue Mosque." Lots of church pictures of all kinds of different denominations.

I am deconstructing the interior of the van. A person ought to do that every couple of years. It is not a simple task. The stuff went in like a Chinese puzzle. I am getting rid of stuff (some) and based on experience, winnowing and packing to make some stuff more readily available. I'll get it in for service when they can access the "doghouse" which covers the engine in that vintage of van. It has a hood but much of the engine needs to be accessed from inside the car. I got in to fix a blind that Honey had discombobulated in her back seat perch. It was not a difficult fix but I was in a fix. I had to reconstruct how I got my bulk into that position and reverse it. I was panicked because the minute I realized it was going to be a little tricky I started getting the urge to "go." The race was on! Buddy is no help. He is a little thief- a magpie who claims intriguing things and prances off with them. He has a thing about socks-maybe that is a good thing because he has found more than I thought I owned. I am about to own more. I have been making-do with Wal-Mart, Dr. Scholl's compression stockings-XL which is really only good to a size 12 shoe. I ordered direct, several pairs for feet my size. The foot really isn't the issue. The "over-the calf" really doesn't rise to the occasion and they tend to roll down. The sores are looking a lot better but haven't really gone away. The list for the annual checkup is getting longer each year.

Honey is still a little gimpy. Pills end tomorrow. I will call the vet.

Beautiful fall days here, today was quite warm. Leaves are turning, the sunset tonight was spectacular. A very pleasant day. I fixed a pot roast. We enjoyed that and have more than enough for tomorrow. The Denver Broncos frustrated me. They have it all but can't seem to score. If they can take care of that minor detail they might do just fine.
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