Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reunited and it feels so good!

David called us over to his house to see a fireworks display virtually in his backyard. A wedding was being celebrated at the Royal Palm Clubhouse. He was babysitting his granddaughter because Jacqui was out helling around with Lori and some other women. Jason and I were eating steaks, sweet taters, green peas and spinach salad I whipped up, when David called. The ladies had a good time, we had a good time and formulated our plan to fetch the Elante coach from the storage yard in Lake Worth. Sunday morning/out of season/ little traffic on I-95).

The RV and I are re-united. Jason drove it. I was the pace car. It went swimmingly. I had gotten myself in a state about what could go wrong-and nothing did go wrong. It sits on a slab of pavers that are really too nice to cover up but covered up they are. It was like Christmas and playing "remember when" to start excavating the innards of the RV. First out was my bike. Tires needed some air and I did that. I put the beverage refrigerator in the garage but it is about three steps from the coach so it will serve both. Eventually the coach will serve as a guest house (w/o plumbing). Zoning laws prohibit more than casual use. Perhaps I will "vacation" at John Prince Park for a month next winter. Rub elbows with my wintertime buddies. In any event I am glad to have it close and get rid of the storage fee. We old friends have had some adventures together. The mileage is showing but we still have some life left in us.

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