Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day 2011

Lori and Jason sent a picture for my house. It is perfect-really "me." I love it. I sent Audrey pictures of her visit. I had been toying with making some sort of booklet but on one of my many visits to the Walgreen's site, netted me a deal on prints- essentially 10 cents apiece. You send them over the Internet to Walgreen's and call for them in an hour or two. They were beautiful prints. I am going to use this service. Probably a lot. I can send them in and have them printed anywhere there is a Walgreen's. This time I mailed them. Matt called this afternoon about 4:00 my time-he was just getting up. He had an all-nighter at work. Audrey was going to come over for a Father's Day visit with him.

I went to the Deerfield Beach a couple of days ago and it was deserted so I thought to try it again and get some more pictures. Father's Day it was teeming-no place to park. I went to the Whale's Rib and had a lunch of Ipswich clams. Excellent. Then it rained a little and I tried it again and found a spot. I wandered and took pictures These places overlook the beach and ocean.

Friday I tried to do too much-went to the doctor and had "an hour with Greg." We adjusted some meds and talked TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes). He is very nice and ever so thorough. Then since I was in the neighborhood, I made a Wal-Mart run. Publix is so high on so many things but is only 3 blocks away. Wal-Mart is a whole lot cheaper but 7 miles in traffic. So I made the trip count. Thus I missed the cleaning ladies. They are going to come again Monday.

I tried to be a good daddy today and took the doggies for extra long walks, fed them chicken tenders, and picked weed seeds off them.

Jason and Lori just called. They hosted Lori's 30th class reunion at their house-small class. A good time was had by all.
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