Thursday, June 2, 2011

Buddy Enjoys a Book

Buddy decided he, like his dad, enjoys a good mystery now and then. Unfortunately the one he chose was being read by dad and was just getting to the solution. Many little pieces-Buddy's first real bawling out. He has been contrite which consists of being on my lap a lot.

Said Dad ended up with a personal trainer.  A man came by while I was doing cardio on Tuesday and asked how I was doing. I told him I didn't know how some of the weight machines worked-they were very different from the ones at Boca Hospital. After a quick fitness appraisal I was being signed up for a trainer. $25 a session-one session a week-about what  I was paying at Boca Regional for workout privileges. We are concentrating on handweights which I have been doing and balance exercises which I really need.

There's an app for that!  I downloaded a free app for my iPod which is is a pedometer. I use it on the dog walks. Our shortest circuit is slightly less than 1/2 mile. So there is at least a mile walk every day in addition to my gym stuff.

The Kingsolver book got finished on the Kindle. She informs as well as entertains but, true to life, she doesn't conclusively end her books. Partly set in Mexico she incorporated a lot of Mexican and American history.  Did you know that Major Pershing (later the famed general) led an attack on a peaceful encampment of WWI veterans who had gathered in Washington to try to collect a one-time $500.00 pension that had been given by Congress but as it was the depression, they reneged?  The protesters were run down by horses, cut with sabers and gassed. Their tent city was burned. 

There is a void with the kids in Texas  We still play "Word" and it keeps us in touch, but I have been puttering and nesting to fill the time.  Tuesday is "bulk trash day" It is even better than the Indian dump on the rez.  Taking my dog walks gives me the opportunity to examine castoffs rather closely. Just beat the garbage man a few days ago-wicker lawn chair. Stained it and it is presentable. I just finished re-working a lamp. The Haitians beat me to some couch pillows. Gotta strike while the iron is hot!