Sunday, June 26, 2011

Life is Hard

Jacqui had a birthday party. David invited me as the sole representative of our family left in the state. It was on a dark and stormy night-last Friday but we were so glad for the moisture I think it pepped folks up because it was a great party. My gym workouts had some benefits-I was able to dance quite a bit which brought out a lot of cameras-nobody had seen anything quite like it before. Click on the picture below for the album.

06242011 FL Jacqui BD

In spite of the weather, the doggies are getting their walks. It is cooler so we can go when the rain lets up. My "personal trainer:" 30 minutes twice a week, is helping me considerably-mostly with my balance which has been poor for quite awhile. In the process, I get a good workout, then do my cardio.

I have been working on the garage and the RV: cleaning, pitching stuff, and organizing. Of necessity it goes in spurts because it has been hotter than a $2.00 pistol on a Saturday night down here. Every day is a two shirt day. When one shirt gets sweat soaked. you have to dry off and change to a dry one because coming from the heat to the air conditioning makes the old nipples hurt and the torso shiver. Several things that I thought were ripped off have surfaced. Some cameras and both satellite radios. Radio is more company to me than the television though I do enjoy watching on the large TV. The radio is more compatible with my reading and I have been doing quite a lot of that.

Shopping off my beaten path of practicality is kind of a chore in suburbia (or is it urbia). I wanted to get something nice for Jacqui so I went to Boca Town Center mall. I was able to skip my cardio that day just finding a damn restroom. I wasn't sauntering. There are some fabulous shops there-nothing I need, but Teavana had a nice tea assortment and pot for a gift. Jacqui has already made the transition from coffee so it wasn't a preachy gift. I went to the Yankee Candle Store too but they seemed pretty proud of their merchandise. Found the same brand at Target where I was also able to find cards.
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