Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rainy Days and Tuesdays

An agreeable day: Good early walk, a session with the trainer at LA Fitness.  My trainer-a 50 something guy, was ticked off. A former client- skinny young actress, was visiting with him. Another trainer-a horn-dog, also no spring chicken poached her. Drama in the gym!  I really am doing better with my balance. Since the dogs were already ditched at home, I motored down to Pompano to go to Dollar Tree (I love that store!) and Lowe's. Picked up an Arby's for the doggies and  a mango and tomatoes for me at Publix. Mangoes are new to me and I really like the taste. The logistics of eating one are messy. They are in season now. Supposed to be good for you. BLT's for dinner. I am waltzing through a book a day.  A mystery yesterday, Garrison Keillor's Liberty today. He has a humorous style but as he has aged, there is a sharpness to his humor. I'm glad I read it. Good book for  a "later in life" reader and a cautionary tale for the young.  It is the old, old theme: Live an Appollonian life or a Dionysian life?    I think the ancient Greeks probably had it about right: Live an Appollonian life most of the time but during the Dionysian festivals let it all hang out-no questiions asked. Kind of like Mardi Gras.