Sunday, July 3, 2011

Good help is Hard to Find DIY version

An after-market improvement I like on my vehicles are ventvisors-you can have windows open a bit, rain or shine. With my small town mentality, I went online to order some from JC Whitney. Though labeled for my van, they were the wrong ones. I accosted some other O.F. by Publix in Pompano and asked him where he got his-same van. He told me a Chevy dealership about 6 miles down the road. I passed on that. On a whim I tried Advance Auto Parts, in the neighborhood. They had what I needed! So far I have twice their value invested but I have them installed. Bankey stopped by to check on me and he has a Chevy truck so I tried to give the Whitney ones to him. No fit, either. When Bankey gave me his card last time he was here I noted it had an RV on it. I asked him what he would charge to detail the exterior of mine. The weather has caused his business to have the slows so we struck a good deal for us both. He tested some spots and if the whole outfit shines like the test patches, I will be thrilled.

I hung the flag and gave the house a good cleaning today. Even washed the bedding. It is ready for company. I don't use it. I sleep on top of it with a little blankie in case I need it-I usually don't. We were a little late on the dog walk this morning so I cut it a little short because of the heat. Honey griped and complained all damn day. We went early this evening and she took me for a walk! She had leftover energy and knew where she wanted to go. We did a mile easy. No dawdling except for business.

We had a dry day today. Stuff is growing like crazy-even mushrooms in the front yard. The across the street neighbors took a vacation. I am sensing there is" trouble in paradise" over there but who knows? They are both very nice so I hope it is transitory if even real. Their kids are kind of squirrelly but I can see where it comes from.

The post-office lost a package I ordered from Amazon. This is the second time. The first time they found the package- they had delivered it to 820 instead of 320. Very annoying. This package had a $13.00 mp3, FM radio,I wanted to use at the gym-seems everybody has one or an iPhone. I am afraid of breaking my iPod so I splurged but, once again, it was a waste. Ran up to Brandsmart and picked one up for a little bit more. The TV sets at the gym all have FM transmitters. If you want the sound, you tune to the particular frequency for your TV. I am getting wise to the ways of the gym. The only people I ever see running the stairs are bouncy girls. It seems pony tails are mandatory for the ladies. They swing to and fro in the rhythm of their hips on the treadmill. Hypnotising. The guy next to me on the treadmill Friday was wearing black gloves and had a persistent cough. I liked the gloves but not the cough. I have my little kit in a baggie: radio, washcloth for sweat and wiping equipment, chewing gum.
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