Sunday, July 17, 2011

Galloping Along

The Audster had her beautiful curls cut off for the summer. She loves her hair short. She is cruising with Dad and Aunt Lori and Uncle Jason, Granny, honorary auntie Trish-real cousins from 10 to 17, and Uncle Shane and Aunt Janet from White Deer, Texas. They left from Seattle today and will return next Sunday after seeing the bright spots in Alaska

I have been enjoying the cruise by reading all about traveling on the Norwegian Pearl and looking in on the Bridgecam as they sail:

I have been threatening to go on a cruise "when the dogs are gone" but they will never be gone and I treasure them 24/7 365 days a year.

In Toasty Florida I have been busy. I have been securing the premises next door. Ace Hardware told me I won an attendance award for not missing a day. It is really close and I do go there a lot. After getting the area secure in back of the house I pried a couple of staves off the fence and the doggies had a ball. They have two yards and a whole new set of dogs to bark at through another fence.  I had thought I would travel to Wyoming about now. I am not crazy about traveling through the widespread heatwave. I will get there this year but who knows when? Not me. I will stilll coordinate with the residents of "Camp Pampa" for a visit and to rest up a bit. They are not home now.

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