Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cruise is Over

Lori posted an album of 283 pictures that I loved and snagged a few from. Above: Lori, Audrey, Eve and Trish Dawes.
Below, Jason, Audrey and Matt.

Audrey met some new cousins: Sierra, Hannah, and their mother. Janet. They drove to Seattle from White Deer, Texas. Janet loves havng all her brood corralled in a car.

Casey and his Dad, Shane-Lori's eldest brother. Casey is just shy of 7 feet tall.  From all reports a grand time was had by all on the Seattle to Alaska (and back) event. Spoke to Eve yesteday and her 17 pounds of Salmon they caught had arrived. They caught 19 or 20 and had about 12 fight their way free.

Here in the Sunshine State-the sun has been pretty intense. Hot days. I gypped the dogs a little on their morning walk today because it was already pretty hot by 8:30 when we finished. This evening I took them to the beach where the breezes were great. The two leggers had the same idea so it was pretty busy but we found a good parking spot and the doggies reveled in new sights and sounds. They were completely good. I am puttering with the house next door and this one-refining my arrangements here.

My physical training is paying off. My balance was pretty darn good today. Had a good workout and since I was out, ran some quick errands while the dogs stayed refrigerated.

I am still reading Classic Mysteries on the Kindle. I have polished off a few others too. I downloaded The Autobiography of Mark Twain. It was held privately for 100 years after his death because he and his publisher deemed it too volatile. If it echoes Mencken, it will be right up my alley. My patio is turning out to my satisfaction and is a good place to read.. I was not aware that lizards chirped. When my music is playing out there and the fan blows breezes at him he waxes operatic. Sounds like those animal sounds in Muskrat Love by Captain and Tennille. I am not crazy about reptiles as a Class. but I am kind of fond of this little guy. Buddy knows where he lives, though.
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