Thursday, July 21, 2011

Heat Wave

It is roasty-toasty here. Thank goodness for Air Conditioning.  The tropics and my patio are conducive to Lori and Jason's donated plants prospering. As I pinched dead leaves this morning it struck me as too much green and not much else. So I went to Home Depot and bought some flowering plants on sale, some rock for my paths, some potting soil for projects. Coming home I decided to wait until cooler dusk to  enjoy my labors. 

Meantime, the dogs have taken to chasing the big lizards. They don't even seem to see them when they are morsel size but the bigger ones are an affront to territory. Part of said territory is my storage shed. I enjoy watching the chases, unsuccessful to my best knowledge, of the speedy lizards by the dogs.  I looked out and Honey seemed frantic, running the perimeter of the shed. Buddy was not in sight. Then I heard him making little noises under the shed. I called and called-he is good about coming. Honey was panting and hot so inside she went. Then I got worried about Buddy-it being close to 100 degrees. I was on my belly in the dirt trying to see him.  A biggish lizard came face to face with an O.F. Neither of us enjoyed it. I discovered the shed is well anchored. Thought about calling the fire department. Then I emptied the shed over what I thought was a likely spot to take up the flooring, got my hammer and a pry bar and started to bang away. Straightened up and turned around to wipe my brow. There was Mr. Bud-Bud looking at my efforts, quite interested to see if it were a better way to attack the lizards.

Evening saw my projects completed. I need to go get a few bigger pots because some to the plants are obviously root bound. The patio is going to be an interesting place when I am finished with it.