Saturday, February 26, 2011

First Company

Jeanne and Marc asked if they could come down-no occasion, just for a visit. Buddy was in agony in the morning-couldn't put weight on his right hinder so he went to the vet bright and early-no structural damage is visible. Then I had a good workout at Cardio. On my way there Jason called and said Buddy was in tough shape. I thought probably from the painkillers. Lori ended up holding him most of the afternoon and evening. Marc and Jeanne came after three and enjoyed a tour of my wonderful house. Jeanne took some magical pictures. She came out of the bathroom and pronounced the place immaculate. I had to confess. Jason and Lori and their cleaning ladies made a surprise visit while I was at Cardio. They left a sweet note. They continually amaze me.

I thought we would have dinner at the Cove. That place was jammed- a considerably younger crowd and they messed up our reservation. So we went to Charm City for bodacious burgers-rated # 1 in Deerfield and I think deservedly so. Jeanne loves hamburgers-add a few sides and we were happy.

Jeanne's pix are here:
Stephen's house

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Boating Life

Jason took Jason B. and David out for a fishing trip. They had a very nice time but they missed the drawbridge by a minute and the tide was rapidly going out. They were scraping bottom and couldn't get to Jason's dock. So they went to The Cove where the restaurant is now under the management of Two Georges. A cell phone call brought the landlubbers to the restaurant so a nice time was had by all, the tide reversed itself and the sailors drove home in the boat. Lori loves the caramel apples from Kilwin's and it was 10 to 9:00 when I raced out of the Cove. Turns out they are open till 11:00. They desserted  at home on four caramel apples (two plain, with nuts, and with nuts and chocolate.
Kathy E. and Jason B. were in the kid's wedding party. Remain good friends.

Puts a new twist on drive up parking.
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Some Semblance of Normalcy

Perking along, watching the intake and losing weight, taking a daily siesta, cleaning, fixing, replacing light bulbs with energy savers. Jason amazes me with both his ambition and competencies I did not know he had from adjusting sprinkler heads to lawn care, to putting up a TV antenna. I don't want cable- I get the networks and more Spanish language channels than I can use.  While I was in the hospital the 32 inch TV that came with my bedroom set, got upgraded to a 40".

We have been playing "Word with friends" on the web-I on my iPod, and the new myfi network card I got from Verizon. The upgrade was overdue so it was a freebie.  It is slick- much improved over earlier models and all my computers and gadgets can jump on the web from anywhere on the premises.  Lori is without shame in whipping her aged father in law, Jason played a 7 letter word on his last move today-jumping from 40 points hehind to 100 hundred ahead for a win. I'm playing a game with cuz Donna in Denver, too. She used to wax my hiney at checkers when we were kids so I am motivated.

I am "finding" stuff that I thought was long gone. My Sony SLR turned up under a blanket in the back seat of the van as did my Sony movie camera. This eases the sting of the car burglary somewhat. They still got plenty. With a superhandy garage, a lot of my "stuff" is finding a home in a secure place.

The kids have company from Denver but Jason walked Juneau and his friend Jason over here. Lori came to fetch them and brought me some groceries. She is a sweetie if ruthless at games.

I went to Brandsmart and got a heckofa deal on a barbecue. It was the last one, a floor model, so it got steeply dicounted and came already assembled! Slid right into the van.

Wish you all well and happy.

Monday will be a medical day. Dr. Cohn at 11, Rehab at 1:00 and I have a prescription to fetch first thing in the morning. Sunday is the day I load the pill dispenser. It takes awhile.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


There was rain last night so the breeze that comes through the window of the "den" is cool and smells delightful. Though it is Thursday, the  bells at St. Ambrose Church toll, calling people to mass. Buddy is asleep at my left on this early morning.  I weighed in 3 pounds lighter than yesterday which triggers a call to the doc- plus or minus 3# triggers a call. Three pounds less is ok with me though.

I am going to Brandsmart today and possibly some other spots- completing my kitchen stuff so maybe I can have the kids over for dinner. I spent a lot of time in Publix yesterday reading labels. Dinner last night was pasta with sauce, watermelon chunks and sugar-free gelatine. It was better than it sounds. Lots of flavor in the pasta despite very little salt.

I had leg pains so I started on the easy stuff at Cardio-Rehab. Still got sweaty and feel it was a good workout. I'll get back to "normal"  on Friday I hope. Had a call from my dear friend Delores from Riverton. Got caught up on some of the news and the weather is improving there.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Dear Friend is Gone

Rene passed quietly at home in Quebec two days ago. What a treasure and a pleasure he was to me. I find myself smiling when I think of him. I am sorry to have lost one of my playmates and wish he could be here now. He passed surrounded by family and, by his own choosing, at home. It was slightly less than one year ago that we packed them off for home because he was just not right mentally. A brain tumor was treated but not curable and they had some good months together. They are a very close couple. It makes you wonder-they did everything right: food, exercise, sleep, no excesses. Still, at 74 things started going backwards for him. He lived a worthy life. Lord, we laughed and he had an infectious giggle.

Jason worked like a beaver on our house yesterday. We shopped for a desk at "Crazy Roger's Used Office Furniture (crazy Rick waited on us) It was delivered in the afternoon  Lori cooked a beef roast-salt free. It was delicious. My weight is maintaining. Life is good!
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Monday, February 14, 2011

ICU, do UC Me?

Back this evening from a stay with Boca Raton Regional Hospital. I took a ride there in  an Emergency truck. Words you don't want to hear: "He's bubbling."  I went away for awhile and and have vague memories for the Emergency Room and then the ICU at BRCH. The care was excellent-I chose them because Cardio- Rehab already had many of my records. I called 911 earlier in the process this time and it was an easier recuperation. They have an excellent Cardiology Unit among other specialties. A couple of new meds and an echocardiogram with a less optimistic result. My ejection fraction (the amount my heart pumps) is less than 15%.

The people at Cardio-Rehab noted my weight was up and my diastolic BP was also, on Friday. My fluids were running amok and not long after I went to bed, I was having trouble breathing and getting worse. Enter emergency services.

Boca hospital is a good one ( I still think Kearney, Nebraska beats them in being patient centered). ICU was very good. Very competent nurses and excellent monitoring devices. Dr. Cohn ordered up a panoply of tests and Dr. Brodsky was brought in. Boston Scientific sent their rep to check out my Defibrillator. Debra was excellent and allowed as how I probably was too getting  electrical feedback from the device, reproduced it and said not to worry. So I did just that. That it sometimes happens was all I wanted to know.

Life will go on for awhile longer with an even stricter regimen of weight monitoring and salt reduction. I suspect it was pizza that sent me over the edge. I am going to have to get my kitchen set up and cook from scratch much more. The dietitian said there was almost no safe restaurant food  for the likes of me but gave me some tips for coping if presented with such a treat.

As usual, Jason and Lori and Matt were very supportive. Jason visited daily and Lori and Jason painted a room in my house, set up my big screen TV and otherwise took care of critters and property. Matt called and it was so good to hear from him. Richie too.

I got put into general population last night at Boca Hospital. What a night! I got a roomy who was having cardiac issues similar to mine and was drying out from being drunk in the morning. He was cutting impressive farts and moaning and groaning all the live-long night. He pooped his bed twice and I had to leave. Did a lot of Cardio walking in the 9 story building. I discovered where rich people go to die. There is a suite of rooms that are very elegant-all designer furniture and dark wood on the ninth floor-closer to heaven, I guess.. After I left, I asked the black nurse's aide at the door if my Medicare would cover the cost of a suite. She giggled and said "Go on Back you will like it."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

First Post from Chez Roberts-south

I am IN!  What a busy day and lots of fun. Furniture was arriving from Rooms to Go and the Habitat for Humanity ReStore. The neighbor across the street was consumed by curiosity and is naturally friendly. She got me coffee and we swapped histories-they are new to the neighborhood too.

Honey was a runner. Jason. with his sprained ankle pursued her  and watched in horror as she tried to catch a pet rabbit and had some guy's cat cornered under a trailer in a hidden bit of 1960's time warp. I  finally retrieved her after getting lost finding this place. It is not far from where I live but there is a 10 foot wall between us. 

The kids have been so generous with their hospitality, and spirits. They are to be admired as well as treasured. I can't say enough good about them.

I will take and share pix soon.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Words I Never Expected to Say

"Skip washing the Mercedes this week." "Have a nice pedicure." Life on 6th Avenue is at a different level. I won $25.00 on the Superbowl and didn't even attend the party.  The neighbors delivered scrumptious food on plates and other food on dishes. This in spite of my own preparations. It was all good and more than enough. I did not have a strong preferences] about who I wanted to win but eventually Green Bay emerged as my favorite. All this in the context of furious playing of "Words with Friends" on the Internet - with each other and others.

Life on 8th Avenue is about to commence for me. Lots to do but it is pretty much empty. It is a nice bungalow and it has an Buddy-proof yard, I hope. Buddy will likely divide his time between the Avenues. He has attached to the tribe. The tribe has attached to him. A possum was discovered under the BMW by Buddy and before it was all over, the nighbors were plumb impressed by Honey. Everybody lived for another day but the possum will likely steer clear of the premises. They are ugly damn things.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nothing Startling

Life is progressing much as one expects. Playing with dogs, going to appointments, dining, window shopping.  I am getting familiar with this neck of the woods and found my way to a different Wal-Mart for glucose test strips and $5.00 shorts.

Lori is busy clipping pix from her designer magazines for my consideration. My house has a 12 foot high masonry wall in the back which presents itself as a blank canvas and we have both been imagining things to do with it. As I remember the yard, it is pretty big. I will know more Monday when the deal is closed.

Using Jason's connections with Walter at Brandsmart I bought a washer and dryer for a good price. Two salesmen assured me  of better efficiency and longevity although the latter does concern not me much. I think this will be last set no matter what. I am getting excited to start nesting though life here could scarcely be any better.

I gave up 10 vials of blood to LabCorp on Tuesday, per Dr. Cohn's orders. Very thorough workup he is conducting. The results are dribbling in. My coumadin is again too low.  Lori suggested and I complied, setting alarms on my watch to remind me to take pills. Then she has to tell me the alarms are going off. Coumadin is not helpful to hearing. I bought a 10 dollar hearing aid at Harbor Freight that helps a lot.

Miss Honey is progressing. My son would have made a good vet. Everything with Honey is a two person job. One holder/patter,. one do-er. Jason does thorough and gentle.

My weight and fluids were up yesterday and I did not feel very well so I skipped Cardio and went to find test strips. My weight is down and I feel better today. Got my Cardio in yesterday the old -fashioned way- shopping and hoofing it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pleasant Days

Marc and Jeanne's Begonias at John Prince Park

Marc and Stephen at a delicioius luncheon Saturday.

Lori's Birthday Celebration Tuesday

Yes, Juneau gets to enjoy the cake too.

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