Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Dear Friend is Gone

Rene passed quietly at home in Quebec two days ago. What a treasure and a pleasure he was to me. I find myself smiling when I think of him. I am sorry to have lost one of my playmates and wish he could be here now. He passed surrounded by family and, by his own choosing, at home. It was slightly less than one year ago that we packed them off for home because he was just not right mentally. A brain tumor was treated but not curable and they had some good months together. They are a very close couple. It makes you wonder-they did everything right: food, exercise, sleep, no excesses. Still, at 74 things started going backwards for him. He lived a worthy life. Lord, we laughed and he had an infectious giggle.

Jason worked like a beaver on our house yesterday. We shopped for a desk at "Crazy Roger's Used Office Furniture (crazy Rick waited on us) It was delivered in the afternoon  Lori cooked a beef roast-salt free. It was delicious. My weight is maintaining. Life is good!
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