Monday, February 14, 2011

ICU, do UC Me?

Back this evening from a stay with Boca Raton Regional Hospital. I took a ride there in  an Emergency truck. Words you don't want to hear: "He's bubbling."  I went away for awhile and and have vague memories for the Emergency Room and then the ICU at BRCH. The care was excellent-I chose them because Cardio- Rehab already had many of my records. I called 911 earlier in the process this time and it was an easier recuperation. They have an excellent Cardiology Unit among other specialties. A couple of new meds and an echocardiogram with a less optimistic result. My ejection fraction (the amount my heart pumps) is less than 15%.

The people at Cardio-Rehab noted my weight was up and my diastolic BP was also, on Friday. My fluids were running amok and not long after I went to bed, I was having trouble breathing and getting worse. Enter emergency services.

Boca hospital is a good one ( I still think Kearney, Nebraska beats them in being patient centered). ICU was very good. Very competent nurses and excellent monitoring devices. Dr. Cohn ordered up a panoply of tests and Dr. Brodsky was brought in. Boston Scientific sent their rep to check out my Defibrillator. Debra was excellent and allowed as how I probably was too getting  electrical feedback from the device, reproduced it and said not to worry. So I did just that. That it sometimes happens was all I wanted to know.

Life will go on for awhile longer with an even stricter regimen of weight monitoring and salt reduction. I suspect it was pizza that sent me over the edge. I am going to have to get my kitchen set up and cook from scratch much more. The dietitian said there was almost no safe restaurant food  for the likes of me but gave me some tips for coping if presented with such a treat.

As usual, Jason and Lori and Matt were very supportive. Jason visited daily and Lori and Jason painted a room in my house, set up my big screen TV and otherwise took care of critters and property. Matt called and it was so good to hear from him. Richie too.

I got put into general population last night at Boca Hospital. What a night! I got a roomy who was having cardiac issues similar to mine and was drying out from being drunk in the morning. He was cutting impressive farts and moaning and groaning all the live-long night. He pooped his bed twice and I had to leave. Did a lot of Cardio walking in the 9 story building. I discovered where rich people go to die. There is a suite of rooms that are very elegant-all designer furniture and dark wood on the ninth floor-closer to heaven, I guess.. After I left, I asked the black nurse's aide at the door if my Medicare would cover the cost of a suite. She giggled and said "Go on Back you will like it."