Monday, February 7, 2011

Words I Never Expected to Say

"Skip washing the Mercedes this week." "Have a nice pedicure." Life on 6th Avenue is at a different level. I won $25.00 on the Superbowl and didn't even attend the party.  The neighbors delivered scrumptious food on plates and other food on dishes. This in spite of my own preparations. It was all good and more than enough. I did not have a strong preferences] about who I wanted to win but eventually Green Bay emerged as my favorite. All this in the context of furious playing of "Words with Friends" on the Internet - with each other and others.

Life on 8th Avenue is about to commence for me. Lots to do but it is pretty much empty. It is a nice bungalow and it has an Buddy-proof yard, I hope. Buddy will likely divide his time between the Avenues. He has attached to the tribe. The tribe has attached to him. A possum was discovered under the BMW by Buddy and before it was all over, the nighbors were plumb impressed by Honey. Everybody lived for another day but the possum will likely steer clear of the premises. They are ugly damn things.