Sunday, February 20, 2011

Some Semblance of Normalcy

Perking along, watching the intake and losing weight, taking a daily siesta, cleaning, fixing, replacing light bulbs with energy savers. Jason amazes me with both his ambition and competencies I did not know he had from adjusting sprinkler heads to lawn care, to putting up a TV antenna. I don't want cable- I get the networks and more Spanish language channels than I can use.  While I was in the hospital the 32 inch TV that came with my bedroom set, got upgraded to a 40".

We have been playing "Word with friends" on the web-I on my iPod, and the new myfi network card I got from Verizon. The upgrade was overdue so it was a freebie.  It is slick- much improved over earlier models and all my computers and gadgets can jump on the web from anywhere on the premises.  Lori is without shame in whipping her aged father in law, Jason played a 7 letter word on his last move today-jumping from 40 points hehind to 100 hundred ahead for a win. I'm playing a game with cuz Donna in Denver, too. She used to wax my hiney at checkers when we were kids so I am motivated.

I am "finding" stuff that I thought was long gone. My Sony SLR turned up under a blanket in the back seat of the van as did my Sony movie camera. This eases the sting of the car burglary somewhat. They still got plenty. With a superhandy garage, a lot of my "stuff" is finding a home in a secure place.

The kids have company from Denver but Jason walked Juneau and his friend Jason over here. Lori came to fetch them and brought me some groceries. She is a sweetie if ruthless at games.

I went to Brandsmart and got a heckofa deal on a barbecue. It was the last one, a floor model, so it got steeply dicounted and came already assembled! Slid right into the van.

Wish you all well and happy.

Monday will be a medical day. Dr. Cohn at 11, Rehab at 1:00 and I have a prescription to fetch first thing in the morning. Sunday is the day I load the pill dispenser. It takes awhile.