Monday, August 1, 2011

Bankey to the Rescue

Bankey is going to buff out the RV starting tomorrow. I told him I bought a canopy to protect it. He offered to help put it up. It needed some elevation to clear the RV so we went to Lowe's. He is a good man to take to Lowe's because he worked at one. We bought some PVC pipe that was a perfect fit. I took him to lunch at Crabby Jack's-kind of a dive but the food is excellent. These pictures reflect how it went: Bankey put it together and I handed him screws and cut 100 m.p.h. tape.

As it came time to put the fabric on the canopy and move it, he got on the phone and called his little brother. Latte is a mechanic for the fire department and was on a day off. Banky is kindness and wisdom after his 20 years in the service. Latte is all charm and wit. Bankey doesn't drink but Latte does. Several Corona's later we finished and I do have to count it as a success. Bankey helped himself a little because he will have a little shade when he buffs the RV.  I enjoyed their company. Bankey misses Jason and Lori because he likes them and they start his week with two cars to detail and "buy my gas for the week". He was excited because he just got a new account in Boca-for Vince McMahon of World Wrestling fame. Not only does Banky detail them but he is supposed to drive each one 20 miles a week when they are not in town.
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