Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Catching UP!

A gentle nudge from a Wyomingite inquiring as to my Geometry: Am I horizontal or vertical?  My appointment with Dr. Cohn Tuesday had mostly good news. Bad news- I am getting fatter and that trend needs to reverse itself. I knew that from weighing every day. The tests showed the implications of that. Dr. Cohn is great. I was in the office for an hour and a half finally pondering saying "Well, enough about me. Let's talk about you!" Good news is the PSA went way down. As Lew has been up in Orlando with a robotic prostate surgeon, I was sweating that number. The protein that predicts a future cardiac event dropped 4500 points putting me in the average range rather that the highly likely range. I'm still pumping only about 20% and will see Dr.Rosenbaum next Wednesday. I think my atrial fibrillation is back but I would like to be surprised. I am walking a mile in 20 minutes 3 days a week and getting my muscles "pumped up." I pumped up the back tire on the Raleigh and rode it to a bike shop for a tuneup and repair and hoofed it home today for my exercise. I joined a gym not far from me and like it. It is not all "eye-candy" to make me feel bad- there are plenty of codgers and codgerettes trying to keep on keeping on.

News from home is mostly good- Guy and Janet made it through the winter after his operation and branded a big bunch of calves with good help from far and wide.  Thayne called yesterday and I told him how I thought helping the neighbors was great of them- he said they were just being neighbors. Thayne is seeing a (not so young) lady. I hope she is just not after what is in his pants (I refer, of course, to his wallet). Mike, my successor in the School District is retiring this year and looking forward to it. Bless him and Diana- they are true friends and deserve to have a blast. Delores does not mention it much but I think she is retiring too.

My kids are over almost every day and we walk dogs in the evening.  Lew is due back from Orlando and is healing. The kids are pitching a party this weekend with their friend Vicki McCright. Should be a blast.  Consider yourselves caught up for the moment.