Friday, May 20, 2011


Thayne sent me a phone picture of his front yard on 5/19/2011 so I replied in kind. If I were in Wyoming, I would be complaining bitterly about the non-arrival of Spring.

Since the end of the world is coming tomorrow it may be inconsequential what the weather is like. If the rapture is anything like a cl----x I will be sorely disappointed to miss out. But I think I will probably not be disappointed. Cold day in hell? Hotter than the hinges of Hades?

The place got its lawn mowed and trimmed, the "girls" came to clean but I had already done much of it-practicing. When the kids go to Texas, the package deal goes away. I feel kind of guilty about it anyway. I am able-bodied and the size of the operation is manageable. It is definitely nice to have cleaners. I am grateful for having had them. I will carry on just fine.

Greg and Lew were down Tuesday- Lew is recovering from his prostate surgery and did well-but he definitely got tired and it was visible.We had a nice visit and I took them to the Whale's Rib for lunch. Great place, great food, great visit. Greg called yesterday very upset. JJ, his dog, collapsed on their walk. I am betting heat stroke. She is doing much better now. It has been hot here- my rule is walking dogs before 8 in the morning and after 7 in the evening. My critters got three walks today and a visit from Juneau and Pepper.

Bought a flag to fly this weekend and it promptly wrapped itself around the flagpole. Nary a monkey in sight, either..
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