Thursday, May 26, 2011

Running Like Rats!

Jason and Lori came by this morning so my doggies got two a.m. walks. Juneau did his duty which was a big relief all around. We said our goodbyes. Juneau, Jason and David are on the road. I think that BMW 750i is getting to scoot. They reported in from Orlando and Lake City, FL. I suspect they will stop in Jackson, Missisiippi or Vicksburg tonight.
I helped Lori ship packages to Texas. Her Alaska wear and several things she wanted to have in Texas-4 little boxes and 2 beeg ones!. It makes sense besides there is no way all that stuff could be managed in car or airplane.  I am still picking up plants. Otherwise they will die. They may die over here but I at least have neighbor kids who may undertake the job of watering them.

I have almost finished re-staining the power-washed fence. I ran out of stain so I went to Lowe's for supplies. Took the dogs. They were getting bored and I feel walked-out this evening. They seem happy enough now.  Kingsolver blows my mind. The novel Lacuna raises some interesting bits of history that are at odds with American History as most of us understand it. I fall in love with her every time she writes a new book.