Monday, May 23, 2011

Getting the "bird"

The rapture did occur-nobody qualified. You naughty children!

Busy days. I took the doggies on an early walk-they were champs. They walk so well in the morning. Around 10:00 a.m., I rode the bike to LA Fitness and had a good cardio workout. Some of those people are really serious. I admire them. Came home and tried to finish staining the fence. Jason has reached the pre-road time frenzy that I always go through. Lori did not feel very well so we bagged the visit to the guru. They are jettisoning a lot of plants. They're finding a happy home here, inside and out. My doggies enjoyed their evening walk. Played a few turns of "Word with Friends." I am working on three different books. Barbara Kingsolver's "Lacuna." "Master and Commander" a seafaring novel of a series, very well regarded, by Patrick O'Brian and some by Stephen Leathers a top selling Amazon Kindle author- thrillers.

I spent a lot of time installing a Brandsmart television antenna yesterday. I had a fancy amplified one from Radio Shack but I was only getting about 12 channels- no PBS and I thought I should be getting more. This $30 marvel is a compact and more conventional rooftop antenna. Upped my reception to 30 plus channels- two PBS lineups-one from Miami and one from West Palm Beach. I am pleased. Maybe I will have to learn Spanish-there is some interesting stuff out there.
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