Thursday, May 19, 2011

Red Letter Day

Yesterday was a good day for me. Tests at Dr. Rosenbaum's indicate my heart is in perfect rhythm- my cardioversion is "holding."  I was betting against myself because I could feel a fluttering in there from time to time and an enlarged aorta works against cardioversion holding. . Chloe at the Dr's office said that is common- the fibrillation is trying to return but the heart goes back into rhythm. Blood pressure was 104 over 64. I went immedately to Cardi-Rehab after that for my final paid visit. Dawn has been working with me on the free weights-do at home, hand weights, for the past couple of sessions. I feel comfortable doing these on my own now.

The kids are clearing the decks for a departure to Texas for the summer with some trips back here for events. The schedule looks busy and Lori will get some quality family and friends face time. She went to the doc yesterday for a procedure (none of your beeswax), Jason went to get a cracked filling fixed.

I am still hoping to hit the road for Wyoming at some future time this summer. I will probably go by way of Texas with a stop at the kid's summer residence in Pampa to rest my body, reassure them (or not, and return to FL.)