Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Trish's Surprise

Jason pours the Champagne

Trish is a native born Englishwoman who has worked for Campus Management for years and has become a part of the family. She was over at the kids working on accommodations for the Alaska Cruise this July. It turned into her birthday party. The office had one too. She had a great day. Jason shopped for asparagus, greens, ka-bobs, a raspberry torte and asiago sun dried tomato bread and cooked it all.

Juneau thinks all birthday cakes are for him
 David popped in for awhile. We had a very nice time. As of today David is still going to ride to Texas with Jason.  We'll see.

Today, the dogs were walked by 8:00 a.m. Sometime I will wander over to the kid's for another plant run. They are going to be gone about 4-5 months with the Alaskan Cruise in July. I am missing them already. Our situations are reversed-usually I leave Florida for 6 months.  Nicole and Andre called from Quebec. They are busy-still having wintry weather, but getting things done and starting to prep the sailboat for the summer.

Lori is always happy entertaining.

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